10 Nov 2022 6pm-7:30pm
Toxicology society together with Section of Toxicology (College of Emergency Medicine, Academy of Medicine) will be hosting this event
Themed Webinar – discussed “Poisoning in the End-Pandemic Era”
- Ms Peck Li Fung from Vigilance & Compliance Branch, HPRG on Safety Assessment of COVID- 19 Vaccines.
- Dr Shaqireen Moinuddeen from Medical Devices Cluster, HPRG on Evaluation of ART Kits.
- Dr Loo Kee Vooi, NTFGH, on Plant Toxicology
- Dr Tse Man-Li, Hong Kong, on Complementary Medicine Poisoning.
Please register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_reZ02IPTSvWnyKzxcSvvhg

To register:
Date: 11 Nov 2021
Time: 6-730pm
Venue: Via zoom
Organised by Toxicology Society Singapore and
Toxicology Section, College of Emergency Physicians Singapore
29 July 2021
Time: 530pm
Via Zoom – link will be sent to members
- Date 19 Sep 2019 (Thursday)
- Time: 6-8pm (Dinner 5:30pm)
- Venue: Health Science Authority Auditorium
- Admission – Free
Topics and Speakers :
1. Spotting the unusual “high” – an insider’s scoop on new synthetic drugs
(An introduction to the types and control of new synthetic drugs encountered in Singapore.)
Ms Stephanie Lim Hui Jia, Senior Forensic Scientist, Illicit
Drugs Laboratory, Health Science Authority
2. Drug of Abuse Clinical Pictures
(To gain an appreciation of the clinical presentation of patients affected by drugs of abuse, together with general treatment principles.)
Dr Kelvin Kuan, Consultant, Changi General Hospital
3. What’s New in Paracetamol Toxicity
(Evidence based management of paracetamol overdose eg. Role of charcoal, new iv NAC regimes)
Dr Tang Dilin, Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
4. Adverse Outcomes in Cardiology – What do the genes have to do with it?
(To enunciate the link between gene variations and adverse outcomes for antithrombotic use in Cardiology patients.)
Dr Doreen Tan, Cardiology Specialist Pharmacist, Khoo Teck
Puat Hospital
Registration available via:
- Toxicology Society (Singapore) – Please liaise with exco members of society or email us at TSS (Toxssin@gmail.com) (Pls indicate name, department and number of pax attending)
- Pharmaceutical Society Singapore – for members of PSS
Organised by Toxicology Society (Singapore)
In partnership with Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore
And A&E Department, Changi General Hospital
Date 18th July 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: HSA
Agenda: TBA
Pre-meeting sharing of HMDP experience by Dr Tang Dilin
The Toxicology Society, Singapore is pleased to partner Pharmaceutical society of Singapore to this 2018 TSS Symposium
Venue – HSA Auditorium
Date: 20th Sep 2018
Time 6:30-8:30
(Dinner will be served at 5:45pm)
1. A/Prof Ho Han Kiat
Talk: Hepatotoxicities of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
Objective: To appreciate the key differences in drug toxicities between conventional chemotherapy and the newer anti-cancer agents
2. A/Prof Phua Dong Haur
Talk: Acute Toxicities – Common Drugs and Uncommon Toxicology
Objective: To appreciate the toxicities of commonly used prescription drugs
3. Dr Yao Yi Ju
Topic: Unusual Poisoning
Objective: To have an overview of the work of the Analytical Toxicology Laboratory and some unusual poisoning cases.
4. Dr Tan Hock Heng
Topic: Resuscitation Antidotes – an update
Objective: To understand the role of time critical antidotes in the treatment of severely poisoned patients and the need for careful patient selection.
Details in brochure
Please register with Pharmaceutical Society if you are a member of PSS
Please register with Toxicology Society, Singapore: toxssin@gmail.com
Getting to HSA
For MRT and buses
Nearest MRT Station: Outram Park
Bus Services:
33, 63, 75, 174, 851, 970
Driving, please see carpark locations.
Parking charges information can be obtained at:
Car parking near HSA
Dear all,
Toxicology Case Presentation (Part of MO teaching Program)
Date: 28th June Thurs at Level 2 Board Room (Above canteen)
Time: 0830-1030pm.
Tox cases seen last few months will be presented for discussion.
– Sympathomimetics, withdrawals, antihypertensive, organophosphate poisoning cases etc
– Approach to poisoning – synopsis by Kelvin
Nurses, pharmacists, doctors, residents, toxicology related specialty are all welcomed!
CGH Tox service
Our next AGM and Exco meeting
Date: 5th July 2018
Time 530-730pm
Venue: TBC
1. Confirmation of minutes
2. Confirmation of accounts
3. Election of new Exco
4. Toxicology symposium
5. HMLS project
6. AOB
All members are welcomed!
Dear friends,
In collaboration with the Society of Emergency Medicine, the Toxicology Society is running the Toxicology track.
We have lined up exciting program for this event (Track Chair – Dr Mong Rupeng)
Date: Day 2 – 28 January 2018
Time: 1340-1510hrs
Venue: Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
– Detection of Nerve Agents in the Field and ED & Update on Management and Use of Antidotes for Nerve Agent Poisoning
Loke Weng Keong, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore
– Abuse and Detection of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Singapore
Yao Yi Ju, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
– Prescrition medicine abuse
Chan Wui Ling, Singapore
– Use of ECMO in the critically ill poisoned patient
Kenneth Tan, Singapore
Do join us for this event.
Date 17-20 June 2018
Venue: Pattaya, Thailand
Tox society members who are interested to offer a lecture or other educational activities for this meeting – please contact Dr Ponampalam.
On behalf of Dr Ponampalam